Application for access

Note: The HPC system amplitUDE is currently still in extended test operation (until the official inauguration). For this reason, the application procedure is currently greatly simplified and access is initially limited until 31 October 2024. For this reason, the following information and formalities only apply to the magnitUDE application procedure.

For simplified access to amplitUDE, only formal approval from the respective quota coordinators is required, which we will obtain after you submit your application.

Types of Accounts

List of available account types:

  • default account: Staff at UDE (valid for 1 year)

  • test account: Staff at UDE (valid for 6 weeks)

  • student account: Students at UDE (limited to the duration of the thesis)

  • external account: Members of other universities in the context of research cooperations with scientific institutions of the UDE

Access requirement

The application will be reviewed by the CCSS.

Formal requirements:

  • positive assessment of the corresponding coordinator

  • positive assessment of the implementation concept by the Scientific Computing Support Team

  • valid UDE user ID

  • written declaration of complience with the guidelines for the use of magnitUDE

The activation of the access after successful assessment is carried out by the user administration of the ZIM.

User guidelines

User guidelines for the magnitUDE can be found here.

Application for Access

You must acknoledge the user guidelines and provide with your application

  • name, UDE user id and UDE address of the applicant

  • name and contact to the scientific supervisor

  • name and affiliation of the workgroup

  • project abstract including third-party projects and cooperations

  • short abstract on the computational conecpts, particulary parallelization concepts

Additionally, you need to provied

Account-Type: Test

  • The project abstract might me substituted by mentioning the subject area

Account-Type: Student

  • connection between thesis and associated research projects

  • recommendation letter of the supervisor including a declaration for HPC-2 project requirement

  • study course

  • valid immatriculation certificate

  • indication of the underlying examination regulation

Account-Type: Extern

  • consent of the cooperating research institution at UDE

  • title of the research project (including project identification code)

  • duraction of the research porject

Application forms


To apply for an account on magnitUDE you may use the Web-Form.


To apply for an account on amplitUDE you may use the Web-Form.