
workspaces are only available at amplitUDE

The workspace tool provides storage space for computations on the parallel file system. They are meant to keep data for a limited time – but usually longer than the time of a single job run. It is not meant for permanent storage, hence data in workspaces is not backed up and may be lost in case of problems on the storage system. Please copy/move important results to $HOME or some disks outside the cluster.

For details about the tool see here

About workspace

A workspace is formost a directory created on behalf of the user with some properties

  • it has an ID selected by the user

  • it has a lifetime selected by the user, but limited by the operations team

  • it has permissions the user can influence or change

Default settings and limits


Create workspace

To create a workspace you need to state <ws_name> of your workspace and in days. A maximum value for lifetime and a maximum number of renewals is defined on each cluster.

ws_allocate <ws_name> <lifetime>

You can enable a reminder mail some days before your workspace expires and is deleted using the options -r and -m :

ws_allocate -r <days before ws expires> -m <mailaddress> <ws_name> <lifetime>

For more information read the program’s help, i.e. ws_allocate -h.

If you don’t want to add these options each time to your ws_allocate command you can add these information to the ~/.ws_user.conf configuration file:

mail:     <mailaddress>
reminder: <days before ws expires>

List all your workspaces

To list all your workspaces, execute:


which will return:

  • Workspace ID

  • Workspace location

  • available extensions

  • creation date and remaining time

Find workspace location

Workspace location/path can be prompted for any workspace ID using ws_find, in case of workspace <ws_name>:

ws_find <ws_name>

Extend lifetime of your workspace

As each workspace has an expiration date, its lifetime is limited. To extend the lifetime by the <duration> (given in days) of an existing workspace <ws_name> within the policies set by the administrators, execute:

ws_extend <ws_name> [<duration>]

Note: The value <duration> extend the lifetime from now.

Sharing workspace data within your workgroup

To grant and manage read access to a workspace for other users, e.g., support staff, the ws_share command can be used.

To grant read access to a workspace <ws_name> for a user <user> use ws_share share <ws_name> <user>

You can list the users, which you granted access to your workspaces using the command ws_share list <ws_name>

To revoke the access for a user run ws_share unshare <ws_name> <user>

Run ws_share --help to get more help or consult the full documentation in the man page of ws_share.

To grant and manage **write access** to a workspace for other users, e.g., ....

=== TBA ===

Remind your workspace expiration date

To take care of your workspaces an their lifetime, the command ws_send_ical can be execute for a existing workspace <ws_name>:

ws_send_ical  <ws_name> <your_Email-address>

It checks the remaining time of a given workspace <ws_name> and send a calendar invitation to the Email address <your_Email-address>. If you are using a mail programm with an integrated calendar function, you can accept this event and your calendar will remind you …

Delete your workspace

In addition to the automatic deletion process at the end of the service life, the user can initiate an early deletion of their workspace:

ws_release <ws_name>