# HPC Support UDE ```{image} content/figures/zoom_zim_magnitude.png --- width: 600 alt: The magnitUDE --- ``` Welcome on the HPC (High-Performance-Computing) website. Together with the Center for Information and Media Services (ZIM), CCSS is pursuing the goal of **strengthening** the field of **scientific computing at the University of Duisburg-Essen**. For this purpose, the "HPC Team", an advisory team of scientifically active experts from the fields of programming, parallelization, numerics and high-performance computing, was formed. These employees are anchored in the faculties and working groups of the UDE. The "HPC Team" is to advise and support **researchers** at UDE in the **field of scientific computing**. For individual support on scientific computing at UDE please contact the **HPC-Support-Team** at hpc-support@uni-due.de. The HPC support team is now offering an open office hour for all users and interested parties. Here we want to discuss general questions and concerns about computing on magnitUDE with you. The **open office hour** will take place in a two-week rhythm on **Wednesdays (at even week numbers) at 11 am** as a Zoom conference. You can find the Zoom Conference Room at: https://uni-due.zoom.us/j/62455456799?pwd=bkNUbU4rSm1PVVBLVFl2Zzl0SXNtZz09. We look forward to seeing you there! ```{toctree} --- caption: HPC-Systems @ UDE hidden: --- content/magnitUDE/magnitude_hardware.md content/amplitUDE/amplitude_hardware.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Getting started hidden: --- content/start/preliminary.md content/start/access_login.md content/start/apply_access.md content/start/data_storage.md content/start/computation.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: General How To's hidden: --- content/general/ssh_access.md content/general/bash_env.md content/general/workspace.md content/general/slurm.md content/general/data_transfer.md content/magnitUDE/magnitude_best_practices.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: Software hidden: --- content/software/module_env.md content/magnitUDE/python_on_magnitude.md content/magnitUDE/magnitude_vasp.md content/magnitUDE/magnitude_matlab.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: FAQs hidden: --- content/faqs/faq.md ``` ```{toctree} --- caption: External references hidden: --- content/general/external_refs.md ```